Monday, September 3, 2012

Flocked Nails

The newest nail trend all over Pinterest is fuzzy flocked nails. They can come in any color that you can find flocking powder at any craft store.

I researched on how to get this fun look, and it turns out it is very simple. Start with painting a similar color nail polish as the flocking powder that you purchased. After your manicure is completed, sprinkle the powder onto your nails over a paper plate. You can dab your nails just to make the powder is attached. It is as easy as that!


You can also do a differnt color on each nail or other patterns such as stripes.

The sad part to this trend is that the flocking powder will only stay on for a day. Also, if it gets wet more, the powder will stay on your nail for a shorter duration of time.
I will have to try this out very soon and let you know how it goes!
Stay beautiful,


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