Thursday, September 13, 2012

My First BP. Fashion Board Meeting

I have lately been busy with school beginning and the stress of senior year. Last Thursday, I was lucky enough to attend my very first BP. Fashion Board meeting in Seattle. We met in a large banquet room where we saw a fashion show.
Later, we broke up into our boards by stores. I loved meeting all of the girls from my area, and it was exciting to know we all had interests in fashion.
I had to take a picture outside of Nordstrom by the fall styled window fronts. I am wearing a gray snakeskin shirt-dress with a light weight gray sweater on top. My black leggings work perfectly with my FAVORITE SHOES EVER. They are Jeffrey Campbell Fredas and by far the coolest shoes I own. The bright green infinity scarf incorporates a pop of color into the outfit. Every piece of clothing that I have on in this picture is purchased from Nordstrom.

I somehow wore these 6 1/2 inch heels to school all day!
Thanks for reading my blog. I promise to post more often with more outfits and trends.
Stay beautiful,

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