Monday, August 20, 2012

Seattle- August 9th

Wow, I really feel like I have been neglecting my blog. I have been very busy with my Senior year starting up again.
Seattle was amazing, like always. The weather was slightly chilly in the morning, but as the day went on, it heated up. So working with the temperature, I decided to wear pants. Here is a picture of me in my outfit.

I am wearing a H.I.P. light sweater, Current/Elliott blood red leopard printed jeans, and my yellow customized Toms for shoes. For accessories I have on two necklaces and an ellegant bracelet from Nordstroms, a Juicy Couture brown watch, and my satchel also from Nordstroms.

We then traveled to the pier where there was an amazing view of the new Great Wheel, two sports stadiums, and the ferries. Before dinner, we had to have dessert first and stop at our favorite gelato place.

Soon, it was dinner time, and we ventured up the steep stairs to the Pike Place Market area. We had dinner at a wonderful French restaurant named Marche.

As you can see, I really felt like I was actually in France. The food was spectacular, and we had the best service.

After dinner, we looked around a little more at multiple stores. My favorite was of course Nordstrom. Little did I know, I had just missed seeing Rachel Zoe the day before. She was at Nordstrom headquarters, which is in Seattle, styling clients for her new line.

The entire reason of the trip to Seattle was to see the musical Rent at the 5th Avenue Theater.

Without a doubt, Rent is one of the best musicals I have ever seen. I loved how the time period of the show was in the late 90's which made the events more relatable to me.

The stage was amazing with spray paint art all over the walls. All of the actors were incredible! I think the cast was better than both the original Broadway and movie casts.
No day but today!

I promise to post more often now that I have some free time this week.

Stay beautiful,


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