Monday, August 20, 2012

Seattle Round Two- August 15

After seeing the ever famous musical Rent, I just had to go back again. This time we got to the box office before nine in the morning to get onstage tickets. We expected to recieve them when they opened at ten; however, we later learned that those tickets did not go on sale until noon. Two hours later after meeting some interesting people and playing some cards, we were aloud to purchase our tickets.

With seven hours to kill, we decided to head to the pier again. After walking blocks through the heat, we finally came to our destination.

About an hour later, we headed back up the dreadful stairs.

I am telling you, these stairs are horribly steep, and in eighty-five degree weather you feel like you are about to die. Anyway, we eventually arrived to the market where we looked around at the fragrant bouquets and fresh produce.

When we were finished browsing, we traveled to shop some more. I can never go to Seattle without stopping by Urban Outfitters. They had their amazing BDG printed pants out on display.

Don't you just want them all? I wish that table went on forever. Soon enough, it was dinner time where we ate at the Westlake Center Food Court. I love this panoramic shot I took from dinner.

Finally, the time we had waited all day for was here. We sped walked to the 5th Ave. and were led to our on stage seats! Here is my friend, Colby, and I sitting in our seats before the start of the show.

It is difficult to see, but I am wearing an Urban Outfitter dress with black Fergie heels and my leather jacket from Nordstrom. My accessories included my favorite Nordstrom bracelet and of course my Tiffany necklace.
Colby is wearing a black v-neck with a hoodie and awesome aquamarine shorts both from Urban Outfitters. His snap-back hat that he is sporting is borrowed from a friend. For shoes, he chose to go simple with black Vans. Not only do I adore women's fashion, I also love men's.
My day in Seattle was unforgettable with the perfect day and mind-blowing musical that I attended.

Stay beautiful,


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